Cellular Automata FAQ
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What is Wolfram's classification scheme?
In his influential paper Universality and complexity in cellular automata, Stephen Wolfram proposed a classification scheme which divided cellular automata rules into four categories - according to the results of evolving the system from a "disordered" initial state:

His proposed categories were as follows:

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Class I (homogeneous)
Evolution leads to a homogeneous state (e.g. 1D CA: 0, 4, 16, 32, 36, 48, 54, 60 and 62).

Class I cellular automata evolve after a finite number of time steps from almost all initial states to a unique homogeneous state, in which all sites have the same value.

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Class II (regular)
Evolution leads to a set of separated simple stable or periodic structures (e.g. 1D CA: 8, 24, 40, 56 and 58).

Class II cellular automata evolve after a finite number of time steps from almost all initial states to a series of fixed configurations or oscillators.

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Class III (chaotic)
Evolution leads to a chaotic pattern (e.g. 1D CA: 2, 6, 10, 12, 14, 18, 22, 26, 28, 30, 34, 38, 42, 44, 46 and 50).

Evolution of infinite class III cellular automata from almost all possible initial states leads to aperiodic ("chaotic") patterns. After sufficiently many time steps, the statistical properties of these patterns are typically the same for almost all initial states. In particular, the density of non-zero sites typically tends to a fixed non-zero value.

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Class IV (complex)
Evolution leads to complex localized structures, sometimes long-lived (e.g. 1D CA: 20 52 and 110). With class IV cellular automata, complex behaviour, stable or periodic structures which persist for an infinite time and propagating structures are formed.

Wolfram's classification scheme was influential, and appealed to common sense.

However, unfortunately, it fails to capture the idea of universal computation. It was originally thought that systems capable of universal computation would be found among Class IV automata - since only they exhibited interesting behaviour and signal propagation mechanisms such as gliders.

However, as Eppstein pointed out rules in all of the classes actually support gliders, and some non-class IV rules also look as though they exhibit universal computation e.g. see here. Since they contain gliders, universal computation may well show up among the other classes as well.

Since universal computation is such a fundamental feature of cellular automata, it seems unfortunate that Wolfram's classification scheme doesn't tell you much about it with any certaintly.

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What is Eppstein's classification scheme?
Eppstein describes his classification scheme [here].

Here's a brief summary:

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No pattern expands
If no pattern can never expand, no gliders exist, and the rule is not universal. A similar phenomenon occurs with rules which remain within a finite bounding box - though they may compute functions which only require bounded resources to calculate;
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No pattern contracts
If no pattern can ever shrink, no gliders exist. However universal computation could still occur in other ways; for instance the boundary of an expanding pattern could simulate the behavior of a 1d universal automaton.
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Both expansion and contraction possible
Only in the remaining cases can gliders and universality exist. Our investigations show that a large fraction of the remaining cases do indeed support gliders; much more work would be required to show that they are universal.

Eppstein's classification scheme seems formulated to overcome some of the issues with Wolfram's scheme - and it does successfully identify at least a few cases which do not exhibit universal computation.

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What other classification schemes are there?
Automata may also be classified according to their linearity.

No linear automata are universal.

There's also a class of non-linear rules that are also proven non-universal:

Predicting Non-linear Cellular Automata Quickly by Decomposing Them into Linear Ones

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What is the status of Wolfram's Class IV?
Contributions by: Harold V. McIntosh <mcintosh@redvax1.dgsca.unam.mx>

It's generally accepted that the following "elementary" (2 state, radius 1) rules have typical class IV (or "complex") behaviours, because they feature emergent coherent propagating structures (analagous to gliders in Life, but 1-D). These gliders move and interact on periodic backgrounds; collisions between gliders produce new gliders.

rule 54 (and the equivalent rule 147). Rule 193 (and equivalent rules 124, 137 and 110).

Who first introduced this particular classification, began by denying that (2,1) held any class IV's, although in a supplement to an article which was published in Scientific American, some of the above Rules may have been mentioned as worthy of interest.

The fundamental difficulty here is that the "Wolfram Classes" are not well defined, even by Wolfram himself. Taken at their face value, it has been proven that they can't be; in articles by Culick III, as I recall. We are somewhat in the situation of the Supreme Court justice who declared "I can't define pornography, but I can sure recognize it when I see it!"

Rule 54, which Prof. Wuensche mentions, has much in common with Rule 18, which was studied by Peter Grassberger in considerable detail at one time. The point with these rules is that although they have fairly well defined stable densities, there also seems to be a law of "conservation of discontinuities." In Rule 54, this manifests with the occurrence of large triangular holes on a background of mostly small triangles and antitriangles. With Rule 18, the effect is much more subtle.

If we apply the analysis described in the "about xlcau21" series to Rule 54, the mean field curve, especially the composite curve for several generations, has a superstable fixed point a little less than 50 self-consistent contours for pairs show a linear relation between 1 and 11 yielding about half as many pairs as singlets. The n-block probabilities are less clear, an indication that the program's presentation could use some further work.

On the ancestor side, although the rule is balanced, that is only for the individual states. Like pairs have an extra ancestor, unlike pairs lack one. The discrepancy grows, but not violently; the eigenvalue of the T-matrix is around 2.23. The T-matrix does have an interesting pair of zero rows; also a (different) pair of zero columns.

The story with Rule 193 is not overly different, except that the rule is asymmetrical and the field supports right-angled triangles rather than isosceles triangles. It is also true that the rule is slightly unbalanced from the beginning, and that using the minimal equivalent, Rule 110, the final frequencies of live cells are somewhat larger.

The problem with the Wolfram Classification is that it is much like the Christmas Story. It seems simple and easily understood and makes for a kind of common reference when talking about cellular automata. When subjected to closer scrutiny, all kinds of questions and inconsistencies emerge. It does not help that Wolfram seems to have been inspired by a model from chaotic dynamics and Smale's "strange attractors" which may not be all that close to the actual behavior of cellular automata.

Suffice it to say that it is easy enough, especially at first sight, to find structures such as those Wolfram described: some evolution IS chaotic, other fields seem to freeze up rather quickly. So far, there does not seem to have been much progress beyond the recognition of "gliders" in the mysterious realm called Class IV; for instance, although Wolfram seems to have expected their imminent discovery, not too many "glider guns" seem to have been found, and his whole idea of finding a cellular-automaton computer has fallen by the wayside.

Wolfram's most important contribution to cellular automata seems to have been his way of looking at automata - first by setting random fields loose to see how they evolve, and second, systematically contrasting all the different rules with one another. He may just have been lucky, to have tried this at a time when suitable computer facilities had just become available. The work of von Neumann centered on the behavior of a specific automaton constructed for a specific purpose. Although other automata were considered, all were discarded which did not further the goal of self- reproduction.

Conway's work with Life represented a different approach, in that "marginal stability" seems to have been his goal, with reference to the possibility of proving theorems about the evolution, but once a rule meeting that requirement was found, further development has mostly been oriented toward exploiting that one single automaton.

Granted that even for one dimensional (2,1) automata it is possible to find some with behavior which seems tantalizingly regular, it would be nice to know that we are not seeing "cloud castles" and "dragons" and all the other paraphenalia of a small boy's imagination. So rather than worrying too much about what to call everything, attention ought to be directed to making more accurate predictions, on the one hand, and chartacterizing what we observe, on the other.

However, all these poetical ideas could quickly become theological. Instead, we should realize that Prof. Wuensche has shown us that there are still some nice complications among the seemingly tame "elementary" (2,1) rules. Not entirely forgetting its resemblance to Rule 18, we need to notice that the spatial sequence (1000)*, according to Rule 54, has a temporal period of 4 also, and that it is an extremely common feature of well aged configurations.

Besides the regular regions, there are slip lines, where two microcells are joined out of phase. Sometimes the interstices are larger; rarely are they extremely large save as the consequence of an initial configuration. Holes tend to fill by regular crystallization at the boundaries, but there is always the chance for an inconsistency as the gap nears completion.

The boundary regions are so conspicuous there is a temptation to think of them as "particles" moving hither and yon against a disregardable background. Sometimes the movement is considerable and consistent, suggesting "gliders" although for Rule 54 they tend to stay in place. If Rule 54 particles move, it is more by diffusion than by having a momentum. There also exists the possibility that the particles collide, opening several avenues of further evolution. They may disappear (pair annihilation), cross over (solitons), or create some new kind of interstice (particle creation or transmutation).

The scale of the field that is examined tends to influence its interpretation, so it should be chosen as large as possible to get the full effect of the dynamics of imperfections. The accompanying[?] figure, shows only a moderate scale, to keep its size within reasonable limits. As usual, the name suggests the procedure to be followed for decoding it.

Some rules map zero fields into one fields and conversely; they are necessarily odd numbered rules less than 128. Should there be extended runs or gaps, they will tend to alternate, but with boundaries which can move around. This makes for another environment in which to perceive Class IV when the mood strikes.

Once the discussion of de Bruijn diagrams begins, there are other aspects of would-be Class IV rules which could then be described.

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  1. S. Wolfram. Universality and complexity in cellular automata. Physica D, 10:1-35, 1984.